With WebEx PCNow, you automatically get 5GB of free, secure online storage. You can store important files and access them even if your computer is off-line. This is very practical and can save heartache if you lose important documents or your hard drive crashes. WebEx PCNow also offers you the ability to view footage on a remote webcam and monitor your remote computer, so you can check up on things at home. You can even invite friends or co-workers to temporarily view or share your screen remotely to save time and collaborate on projects.
Remote Access Features:
WebEx PCNow has the features you need to manage your remote files right at your fingertips. PCNow can be accessed from any PC, and it offers remote printing, multi-monitor support, remote audio and webcam control. You can also connect to your Outlook email via PC or mobile remote access, so you can instantly stay connected from anywhere in the world. We are impressed with the variety of Windows remote access tools WebEx PCNow provides.
Sharing Tools:
This remote PC access software offers a superb collection of features designed to share files between computers. Using the file sync and transfer option, you can sync and share files easily between the host and the local PC. You can also invite others to temporarily view or have control of your PC, and share a common desktop.
Ease of Use:
WebEx PCNow is an easy-to-use system – all you need to access your stored files is an internet connection. PCNow does not require a local-side download, so you can have quick and direct access to your PC. You can also access your remote PC using a local computer regardless of what firewall systems are in place. You simply log in to your WebEx PCNow account and you automatically have direct contact with your own documents. When transferring files, each end is labeled clearly so you can keep track of which files go where.
This system is labeled clearly and provides helpful tips and tricks to make your Windows remote access experience that much better. WebEx PCNow is very user-friendly and is easy to manage, no matter your level of computer expertise.
WebEx is committed to keeping your Windows remote access sessions secure. You can set up levels of authentication to protect the privacy of your data. PCNow offers some distinct security measures that guarantee your account is safe and sound.
Phone authentication: This unique option creates maximum security. When you attempt to access your remote computer, WebEx calls your phone number and requires you to enter the correct pass code using your phone’s keypad.
Application control: WebEx PCNow also allows you to customize access and control of specific applications. You can allow remote access to certain applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, while also preventing access from any specific remote location.
Inactivity time-out: This software automatically ends a remote session once it has been inactive for a certain period of time. This ensures that no malicious attack can harm your system or obtain your personal information if a session is accidentally left open.
Help & Support:
The support webpage provided by WebEx PCNow is very helpful. This page provides a searchable knowledge base, online FAQs and an email ticketing system. WebEx wants to assist every user and provide positive access experiences. A link to an online help system is also provided so you can browse and learn new information about WebEx PCNow software. While their online information is comprehensive, we would like to see WebEx offer customers the ability to contact them directly for technical support through either live chat or a direct email address.
WebEx PCNow is a lifesaver if you are always on-the-go. This software makes it possible for you to access a remote PC via any local PC's internet connection or on any web-enabled mobile device, including the iPhone. You can transfer files to where you need them and set your own security measures. Plus, friendly and helpful tips make working with this Windows remote access software a breeze.
Source : TopTenREVIEWS Software Reviews
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